Wandering in the city, it makes you already feel in another dimension of time, but then on Saturday and Sunday here in Lucca it will be like a real blast from the past!!
The main event, connected also with the 500th anniversary of the Walls, is the Mille Miglia race, have you ever heard about it?
Here on the official website you can read the history of the most beautiful race in the world. Basically, the city of Lucca is waiting for more than 400 old epoque cars: Ferrari, Alfa Romeo Spider, Maserati, Fiat, MG, Nash-Healey, Porsche.
So here are all the times, places and details for Saturday May 17th take a note and a map with you:
- at 13 the cars will start to arrive in Lucca, 80 Ferrari and Mercedes Tribute are expected, they will introduce the arrival of the actual race cars Mille Miglia. They will be located on the walls, just behind San Frediano's church and the Real Collegio, here some local typical products will be offered.
- Later the cars will move to Napoleon's square, around 14.30 they will pass in front of the stage and...
- At 15 o'clock the Mille Miglia race cars will begin to parade. Entering from Saint Peter's gate, they will come inside the city, then on the walls towards Elisa's gate for a chrono/time competition on the San Paolino Bulwark.
- They will get checked by judges in Napoleon's square. Here you will have the chance to see the wonderful Freccia Rossa.
- The cars will reach the Amphitheater square, passing by Piazza San Michele, Piazza San Salvatore, Via San Giorgio, Via Fillungo and Piazza Scalpellini. They will continue in Piazza San Frediano, Via della Cavallerizza and then they will leave the city from Santa Maria's gate. So find a place on this itinerary and be ready with your cameras!
- a beautiful choreography: 50 Fiat Cinquecento will represent the number 500 to celebrate the anniversary of the City Walls
- a cigar demonstration: how the Tuscan cigar is still made by hand.
- did you know that two lucchese people, Barsanti and Matteucci have been recognized as the inventors of the spark-ignited internal combustion engine? I mean they were from Pietrasanta, province of Lucca.... so there will be an exhibtion dedicated to them and old engines.
The City Crossbow team and San Paolino district (drummers, flag wavers, historical costume, archery) will welcome the old cars at Porta San Pietro, then from 15.30 till about 16 they will be in Napoleon's square and then they will do a parade, till Piazza San Michele, where they will entertain and perform till about 18.
Instead in Piazza Anfiteatro, from 16.30 till 18, you will find another flag wavers and musicians parade by S.Anna district.

My dear ladies, if cars and engines are not your favourite subject, leave your husbands there and move to the Cathedral square, San Giovanni, Piazza del Giglio, Piazza San Giusto, Via del Gallo and Via del Battistero to browse and find the best bargain: a vintage necklace, a bag, some antiques hand painted china cups, plates and more at the fabulous Antiques Market. (Saturday&Sunday 9-19) I am sure you will love it!
Saturday night (May 17th) will be the European Museum night so do not miss the chance to visit two interesting city museums:
- the Puccini Museum, where the local celebrity Giacomo Puccini was born and lived till the age of 20 years old. Free entrance and exceptionally it will be open from 21 till midnight (last entrance at 23.30).
- Even the National Museum of Palazzo Mansi, in Via Galli Tassi will be open from 19.30 till midnight (last entrance at 23.30) and entrance ticket is 1€. It is a wonderful noble lucchese residence, beautiful 17th century frescoes everywhere, a painting gallery and a gorgeous bedroom for "just married" couples and vip guests.

Have you been told that Lucca is the city of music? So here we go, a free concert at Santa Maria Corteorlandini church on Saturday night at 21.15 dedicated to the Holy Music as a Bridge through Time.
Polyphony and Spirituality will be the main protagonists of the performance: Convitto Armonico is a choir born in 1990 with the purpose to study the ancient vocal music. It will be accompanied by an organ played by Marco Montanelli. Music by: Monteverdi, Lauridsen and Whitacre.
The concert is part of the Sagra Musicale Lucchese, one of the oldest festival in town, this is year is the 51st edition.
This is the right weekend also to visit the many many villas spread in the lucchese countryside. Starting from tomorrow May 16th till Sunday, seven of them will open their gates to public to visit the gardens and the mansion for the Ville in Fiore event: Villa Gambaro, Lazzareschi, Mazzarosa, Pierotti-Bagneschi, Villa Leoni, Palazzo Buonvisi and Bove. They are all very close between them, but you will need a car to get there and to move easily. Each villa has its own program: arts&crafts market, typical local product market, flowers, wine, oil and beer and much more...
Then on Sunday late afternoon if you are still not tired and exhausted from a busy weekend, join the free Zumba class at 18.30 at the Cortile degli Svizzeri. Just in Piazza Napoleone, go through the arch of the palace, next to the Stella Polare bar.
Jump, move and dance and I am sure you will sleep tight and then let me know how was your weekend in Lucca! Have fun!!