It is with great pleasure that I give you the following news. From December the 16th to January the 16th, an exhibition in honour of Ezio Ricci, by the care of Fondazione Banca del Monte, will be held in Lucca, Piazza San Martino.
I know that the majority of you, Italians, Lucchesi and foreigners, does not know him.
I strongly believe he's worth a few words.
He was an artist born in Lucca (1885-1968), who's talent lied in real life painting.
He studied at the Istituto di Belle Arti in Lucca and then became professor of decorative arts at the Accademia di belle arti in Perugia.
Once returned to his home town and he taught at the Istituto di Belle Arti in Lucca. The majority of his paintings from this period where lost or part of private collections.
He then became director of the Istituto till 1961.
Throughout his life, many exhibitions all over Italy showed his paintings : in 1923 at the Quadriennale di Torino, in 1926 at the Esposizione Nazionale di Roma, The Mostra Regionale Toscana di Firenze in 1931 and 1942 and the Mostra Internazionale d'arte Contemporanea di Rome in 1955. He also had many personal exhibitions in Lucca and the last one was held in 1980.
Ezio Ricci had great passion and love for his land, from the Garfagnana region to the city's historical centre, and for his beloved family. His paintings portrayed scenes from everyday life, members of his family, city landscapes and countryside life.
The most striking thing, is that neither him or his family have ever tried to make a real business out of his talent, it was driven by pure passion for the arts.

I came to know the paintings of this artist a while ago, when I had the pleasure to meet his nephew, and fell immediately in love with his work. I have worked, and still do at this day, with his nephew for the rentals of his properties. The paintings have always been exposed and hung on the walls of these apartments, which on my web-site are named ANGELO CUSTODE, and I have always tried to enhance the beauty and importance of these works of art. I have received many confirmations from all of our clients, who have been enthusiastic about being able to observe them.
Therefore I invite everyone to see this exhibition and to appreciate the simplicity, the taste and elegance of this great Lucchese artist...who maybe, as of now less unknown.
I am honoured to introduce you to this timeless, great artist, who represents the culture and history of our beautiful city.
Below, some paintings at the Angelo Custode apartments
Angelo Custode Ground - Living Room |
Angelo Custode Third - Living Room |
Angelo Custode Third - Living Room |
Angelo Custode Noble - Reading Room |
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